Urinary incontinence during sexual intercourse is a common phenomenon that concerns a large percentage of individuals, especially women who are already suffering from some sort of incontinence. The issue of incontinence can be a huge taboo subject for those suffering from it and it certainly has a significant effect on their sex life. The consequences of urinary incontinence during intercourse most often make themselves known during penetration (2/3 of cases) and during orgasm (1/3 of cases). Both cases result in an avoidance of intercourse, anxiety and feelings of shame. In addition, post-intercourse infections that may affect both participants are another factor that may lead to abstinence.
The reasons behind the presence of incontinence during sexual intercourse are classified into two types, depending on how its symptoms manifest. The first type is incontinence during penetration, while the second concerns incontinence during orgasm. Each type has a different aetiology and is, by extension, treated differently: the first type is related to stress incontinence, while the second type relates to incontinence due to an overactive bladder. In both cases, treating the incontinence with the help of your doctor will improve your quality of life.